Monday, June 22, 2015

Day 11 - Istanbul - NYC. Final entry

After an idyllic dinner, we awoke at 7 this morning merely to prepare for the end of our journey.

Our driver for the past 2 days of touring was waiting for us. The drive to the airport was 30 minutes, as we still viewed the sights along the way.  The Old Wall of the city, views of the palace and other sights we saw on the previous 2 days.

The problems occurred when we got to the Istanbul Airport.  I would like to call it organized chaos - but that would be too nice. Upon arrival, we had to x-ray all of our bags.  Try lifting a 50+ lb. bag onto a conveyor belt.  Thank goodness I brought my kids.
We then looked for the Delta check-in.  At Delta, a Delta representative said we MUST use the kiosk to get our boarding passes.
Well, the kiosks didn't recognize one of my credit cards (I charged the air on many different ones to use points), nor did it recognize Linda's passport.  The Rep was less than useless, as she knew NOTHING about how the machines worked - nor that we were ALLOWED to just get on line.

After wasting 20 minutes, we simply got on the Delta line.  Got our boarding passes, and went to (what we call) the TSA checkpoint.  More x-rays and checks. (my Athens corkscrew was confiscated!)

At this point we were in the main concourse.  More shopping, because we didn't do enough shipping on the other days!!!  Cuban Cigars (I hope no US officials read this!), more pashminas, etc.

When we got to the gate, there is a THIRD checkpoint to x-ray, and a pat down.  Not only that, once you go through there, you can't leave. No bathrooms, no food, etc.
So, we went back out to get our snacks, and take a WC  (Water Closet) pit stop.

The flight was LONG.  11 hours (with an added hour of sitting on the runway because the wind was wrong!).  We each watched 3-4 movies and several TV shows.

Upon landing at JFK, it was a zoo. I assume that the early morning weather caused delays so the lines were ridiculous.  I attribute our bad moods mostly to our exhaustion, and the overall depression that this holiday was over.  Getting through Customs/Immigration was a nightmare.

The passenger pickup area was just as bad as customs.  The cars couldn't find us at first.

But, we all made it, safe and sound - if not irritated a bit.

Now that I have a chance to reflect back on this trip, I can think about all that we experienced.  This trip was 2+ years in the making, between planning, emailing, booking, scheduling, checking, etc.

What would I change if I had to do this again?
           Absolutely nothing.

This is one of those times when high expectations are exceeded. And, exceeded greatly!!

Athens was amazing.  The restaurants we ate at were spectacular both in cuisine and views.  Touring the city, and the Acropolis was one of my life's dreams - and doing that with Linda, Jamie, and Josh made it that more special.  We were just a bit down, that the stay in Athens was ending when we boarded the ship. Had we known that was just the tip of this iceberg we called our vacation, we never would have felt that day.

The day at sea was a necessary respite - I would say more for David and Nat, as they had some jet lag as they just flew in.  But, it was a great day to just sit, chat, drink, and use the ship's facilities.

Speaking of the ship -  I highly recommend the Celebrity Equinox.   They run that cruise like a well oiled machine.  We had a great time, and would use Celebrity again without question.

The first port of Rhodes was exceptionally surprising.  We had no expectations, and had such a nice time touring the ancient city.  Taking a tour of the Jewish museum, the oldest synagogue in Greece was moving.  Listening and reading about how the holocaust affected the Jewish population there was quite moving.

The second port of Mykonos was so enjoyable - probably the most "fun" of our stops.  Renting the ATVs and riding around the island was a blast.  The meals were exceptional, and the beaches were beautiful.

Santorini - what can you say.  Perhaps the most visually stunning of the islands we visited.  The views were astounding.  The walk down (and up for the kids) Ammoudi was fun, if not exhausting.

Ephesus/Kusadasi - probably the most amazing of the stops.  Touring this INTACT ancient city was incredible.  Seeing how people lived centuries ago, with running water, force air heating, and indoor pluming - not to mention the artwork - astounding!!!
If there was any one disappointment it was the leather shopping in Kusadasi.  We were told that we MUST by leather good here.  Perhaps we stopped at the wrong places, but it seemed more geared to Europeans in the styles.

And, what can I say about Istanbul - except you need more that a day and a half to tour this city.  We all were nervous about being Turkey.  People would tell us "Be careful".
This city was amazing - and no less safe than being home in NYC ( no jokes, please).  Our guide was exceptional, and the history we learned was intriguing.

My personal memories are not just of the places we saw, the food we ate, or the history we learned.  It was the memories of sharing these experiences with the people I love most in this world.  I could have traveled to any location in the world with them, and had incredible memories just  because they were with me.
But, to experience this particular trip with them, is something I will carry with me for my lifetime.    I am sure we all feel the same way.

And, for that reason, I can assure my family that this will definitely NOT be the only trip and vacation.

So, for all of you reading this blog of our trip - I hope you enjoyed my sharing of our experiences.

Until our next trip, αντίο

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